the Lord wants to tell you something, I am sure of it.
He wants to meet with you today. not to condemn you, but to welcome you with arms of grace and tell you that despite ANY other labels that have been spoken over you– you are a CHILD OF THE KING.
He wants to tell you that He is not only our Lord but desires to be our closest friend.
He wants to tell you that He knows some things may not make sense at the moment but that He is not a God of confusion, instead reveals Himself in the coolest ways.
He wants to tell you that He is proud to be your Father and that you are far more precious than jewels! He wants you to know that any thought that comes into your mind telling you otherwise are a LIE.
He wants to tell you that you were born with unique gifts that will become more evident to you when you put your value and confidence in the One, the One who hand placed those gifts in you.
He wants to tell you that if you seek, you will find. even before you sought after Him at all, He was seeking and pursuing that heart of yours… and He won’t stop until your final breath here on earth.
He wants you to know that although the race is not yet over, it has already been won for you. you can do it, and you’re for sure not running it alone.
be the light that you have been created to be and you will be unstoppable.
you are loved.
this week has a purpose. this day has a purpose. lets do this thing–
my goal for this week is to encourage others and to lift others up with the words that I speak. what are yours??
continue to walk freely joyful xoxoxo,