i’m finding myself in a time of life that seems uncertain but in a good way. because I happen to be loving this phase I’m in, read on about a few thoughts I’m pondering on at this current time:
take risks. if you truly are passionate about something, take the risk.
don’t be afraid of being told no
sometimes you can’t achieve your whole goal in a day. be okay with that and take small steps each day, it feels good.
trust the process
don’t be afraid to ask questions and to learn from others.
take others’ advice whom you look up to, but don’t forget to make it your own
it’s okay to not do things just like everyone else. the normal way of doing things is usually pretty boring anyways.
we were each made so unique 💫
you stop growing when you’re focusing on the past. the past is in the past- LETS BECOME OUR BEST SELVES!
there’s so much in store for you if you just look around
character is so important. it doesn’t matter how you look at all if you’re rude and self centered. (oops that sounded harsh… but it’s true)
speak kindly and focus on those around you today
if you’re passionate about something be passionate about it?? that sounds kind of obvious but I feel like its missed because it’s so simple
who.cares.if.no.one.around.you.is.passionate.about.the.same.thing. this actually took me some time to fully grasp
just about anything can be fun. it’s really a lot of your perspective and the way you look at it.
let’s make 2018 full of memories and moments—-
well. that’s a wrap. those are a few of my favs. i hope myself being inspired inspires you
-macie l