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keepin’ on

Writer's picture: macie christine macie christine

the Lord has really shown up and encouraged me specifically this past week and my hope is that you feel encouraged as well.

whether you are experiencing a mountaintop moment or a valley moment… KEEP ON. how can you possibly walk freely joyful if you’ve completely stopped walking?!

you are a child of the KING. you are handcrafted with talents and gifts only YOU have. the world needs your contribution. so, through all of life’s craziness and even the times that seem to be still… one thing never changes.

the Lord is watching over you and keeping you.

in any one moment that just seems like too much or when your life feels completely out of your control, don’t forget —> there are angels in heaven showering you in protection and the Lord promises NOTHING in your path is too big for “you and Him” to handle together. although you may feel out of control, it makes all the difference when you know and remember the ONE who is in control — then continue walking forward and watch the Lord do His thanggg.

every moment is worth it and for a purpose, promise. so, go out, keepin’ on in JOY knowing that because of Him your life does NOT rest in your own hands but in the hands of our Maker. He who NEVER runs dry on grace, for He is grace. who NEVER lacks love, He is Love. our Protector who promises He will NEVER leave you, ever.

one last thing… promise me this. promise me you will not keep on, keepin’ on alone. instead, dive into His word and take His hand because He is waiting to lead you into a destiny beautfiuly designed for you and you only. also, there are literally 95892734875+ wonderful people placed on this earth. whoever He places on your path of life is there for a reason. love those around you and let them pour love into you as well. be community people. “keepin’ on” is so much more enjoyable when you allow someone to come alongside of you in the midst of life and bring a little LIGHT & JOY.

and maybe you feel like you need someone to come along side YOU — if that is the case, come alongside someone else, and I promise the Lord won’t leave ya hanging. people are so cool. the Lord is so cool. don’t miss out. keep on.

here is to the undeniable fact that life can be hard sometimes and not every moment is a mountaintop one, but the Lord is not only there for the mountaintop moments but for the times when you’ve hit what seems to be the lowest of lows. keep on keepin’ on and continue to walk freely joyful.

I am praying for each and everyone of you incredible people. also, I would be more than honored to walk alongside of you — let’s seek the Lord together.

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*Suggested song: “In control” – Hillsong Worship*

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