the Lord does not just have the whole world in His hands... He literally HAS the whole world. everything is His. we are not the owners of anything, rather the stewards.
"EEEK. NO NO NO MACIE. you mean to say that this *fill in the blank" that I just spent myyyyyy money on does not actually belong to me?"
EXACTLY :) I'm glad we have ripped off the bandaid. so now that our palms are wide open, and we remember we are just stewards, let's get into it!!
understanding that NOTHING is really ours can be a tough burn to our pride and human flesh. they reallllyyyy don't like it. they are probably kicking and screaming right now! but the {realization of truth} leads to walking freely joyful, and that's our goal.
you see, our worldly flesh cravessss to spend its living efforts collecting, storing, and building up here on earth. when in reality, the only thing the Lord asks us to "collect" is His people. the only things the Lord asks us to "store" is His word in our hearts. the only thing he asks us to "build up" is HIS Kingdom.
to flood heaven. thats what it is about.
when we realize this, our need for control over those little things and endless desire for more (stuff, a person, an idea, a job...) tends to float away. we begin to unclench our fists.
allowing Jesus to take control. allowing Jesus to take the drivers seat and to call the shots in our lives. MAKING SPACE for Holy Spirit room to work in us and to speak to us.
He so gently reminds us that money and tangible items are fleeting (Prov. 23:5) - He provides. (1 Phil 4:19)
He so gently asks us to give- He has given to us. (2 Cor. 9:6-8)
He so gently tells us to store up our treasure in Heavenly places (Matt 6:19-20) - His Kingdom stands forever. (Psalm 145:13)
it has become my goal, and I challenge you as well, to hold things with your palms open, willing to let go. that tight grip we talked about, ya. whatever we are gripping can easily become an idol or turn into the "I can do it myself, I am in control" mindset.
while being responsible is good, the reminder that NOTHING IS ACTUALLY OURS is needed.
I love you!
lets build His kingdom with palms wide open!!