we live in a world that moves very fast. it seems as if there is ONE train and if you don’t RUSH to get some limited ticket & hop on, it’s all over. the thing is, this insaneness is never reallyyyy over. it’s a reoccurring pattern that goes back and forth, in front of ones eye, completely exhausting ones efforts. it’s draining. truly.
well you see, the Lord does not follow the worlds timeline or pace. in fact! He encourages us to lay down this train in our life and to fix our eyes on Him, our rock. Jesus Christ is NOT “going back and forth,” instead, sits on the right hand of God. He is NOT in a “rush,” He is patiently waiting for us to come to Him. He is NOT “limited;” He is limitless. He does NOT require some exclusive “ticket” just our heart, to come as we are like children.
this train in our life was probably built piece by piece by the ways and patterns of this world. BUT, as children of the KING OF HEAVEN, we are called to NOT conform to these patterns. instead, to be RENEWED. It is THEN we will be able to clearly hear His will for our life & to walk freely joyful.
i know for me, it is going to take some time to replace these lies in my head with the truth. i encourage you to do the same.
little by little.