Health & fitness are two things I have always been super passionate about and placed a high importance on. Whats better than feeling your absolute best?! I thought I would share five lifestyle points that have completely transformed my life. A simple list of a few things to add and subtract from your life.
1) + Water
I can't even say how beneficial just drinking plain water really is. Over the last couple of years I have completely eliminated all drinks containing sugar and ultimately just about everything but water. Why spend the calories on what you drink when theres a good chance your body does not like the way it settles anyway?
*Try adding fresh cut fruit in your water to change it up, it doesn't have to be boring!
2) - Dairy
I have been completely dairy free for the last two years because of allergies, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I noticed many transformations after completely eliminating dairy out of my diet, outside of allergic reactions. After going dairy free for quite some time, I shed extra weight, my skin transformed, and I naturally bloat 10x less... All good things if I say so myself.
*Being dairy free is easier than it seems. I use coconut milk or almond milk as a replacement for common dairy based milk, pizza tastes just as good without the cheese (in my opinion), and they make dairy free ice cream AND MANY MORE delicious items... You're set!
3) + Workout
Honestly, there really is no telling how important being active is. Whether its going outside for a walk, or time at the gym... it's all beneficial. I have personally always loved fitness but in these past few years I have gotten super passionate about it. Everything changes when working out becomes an activity you enjoy, rather than a forced must. I recommend working out an hour a day at least!
*I will be posting more in detail about this one in the future. Stay tuned.
4) - Unhealthy Snacks
Let's face it! Most unhealthy snacks aren't very filling anyway and contain ingredients that leave you craving more. Who has ever eaten just one hand of goldfish?? NOBODY! Chose snacks that make you feel good from the inside out.
*I am in the process of writing a complete blog post of some of my favorite easy, healthy, go-to snacks.
follow @mclifestyle on Instagram for inspo as well.
5) + Little Changes
Just like anything, transforming into a healthy lifestyle is not something that just happens overnight. I think that's kind of cool though..., what an opportunity to grow closer to the best versions of ourself! Never get down on yourself, you're only going up from here! If you're intentional, these specific lifestyle changes are not as hard as you many think. It is just that change is weird and requires discipline.
*Example of little changes: eat that hamburger, but for best results ditch the bun and the added cheese. It honestly tastes just as good wrapped in lettuce with some avocado. Trust me... Your body will thank you;) Watch as you leave the restaurant with more energy, less bloat, and over all a better feeling about yourself than the people who ate with ya!!
With all of that being said, I originally eliminated gluten and dairy from my diet after being told that a good amount of the health issues I was facing had to do with the fact that I am allergic to both. Many people have food allergies that go undetected but that cause underlying skin, health, and misc. issues that effect how you feel, bloat, the energy you have, etc... This news is what initially lead to some of these lifestyle changes in my personal life. After seeing the results, I would now eliminate these two things by choice. I've never felt or looked better! I encourage you to try eliminating either gluten or dairy or both.
You got this,